Watchmaker Adjustable 4-Way Toolpost --- Uses 1/8" Toolbits
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This is an adjustable height 4-way toolpost for use on a Watchmakers Lathe Slide Rest. You can have up to four different toolbits mounted ready for use.
The bottom adjusting ring raises and lowers the toolpost body. Individual toolbits can be shimmed so all have the same cutting edge height when rotated into position.
This toolpost takes 1/8" conventional toolbits, or square gravers. The mounted blank HSS toolbits are included, along with a hex wrech (not shown) for the clamping screws.
The next to the last photo shows the toolpost mounted on a Derbyshire Slide Rest. The last photo shows the toolpost mounted on an HR Slide Rest.
The T-base fis most American made slide rests, such as American Watch Tool Co., Derbyshire and HR. I can make a custom size if requested and given accurate dimensions.

This is in new manufacture... made in the USA.
Please email if any additional information or photos are needed.
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